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Product Photography? Creative Design? Copywriting…Are these really legitimate things AI can take over?

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October 12, 2024

What’s trending isn’’t always what’s going to stick around. I know, I know that’s what they said about the tech bubble, and I guess, well I’m writing this blog and you’re reading it via the internet.

Don’t get me wrong, without Chat-GPT, we would not all realise the worth of AI, having a computerised program, to assists with refining our work, writing copy, analysing images, and so much more.

There are even cool programs like Midjourney, that enable us to create product photographs, using AI models.

Even create event posters, now these are not all perfect - and still require a human to make the prompts, refine the work using other tools like Adobe Photoshop, but it definitely gives us inspiration.

So, is this different to Canva? Absolutely. This creates the design exactly like you prompt it, rather than giving you templates to pick from.

Is AI Worth All the Hype?

If you haven’t jumped on the AI bandwagon, you’re not alone. My first suggestion is to check out Chat-AI, and prompt it something super simple asking it to create you a caption for a social post, which is about [X] the topic.

But is AI worth the hype? I mean, it’s cool. It’s convenient, and we already have similar things which enhance our experience, such as programming our customer service emails to have AI to ask about frequently asked questions, or show us products we like when we browse Amazon, or what kind of shows we would want to watch next on streaming platforms.

You can even try out Baird Ai - which is google’s own version. Which, I find to be useful as well.

Is AI Changing the Landscape?

Like Will Smith says to his co-star in Bad Boys, ‘Hell Nah’.

But, it is changing the way we interact with AI, how we as individuals are not only getting smarter, but effective with the help of these tools.

Think of when we went from encylopedias to Google. A simple example, but no longer did people have to rush to get information, it became accessible in a matter of minutes, or seconds.

Now, we have that information at our fingertips, on mobile devices.

Before Canva, people would need to know the ins and outs of graphic design.

How does AI influence your business?

I recenlty just finished a bootcamp of AI for brands - by a reputable school called Miami Ad School.

This four week bootcamp, had me seated online in a class with managers from large manufacturing companies for garments, hotels, crypto companies and other.

If you’re asking how does AI influence your business, I would start with what purpose you’re hoping to have AI fulfil in your role.

Is it to help with making your staff more competent at their jobs?

Or is it creating Web 3 Metaverse level retail experiences for your customers?

If it’s just making your employees have their work refined, such as before submitting a report, getting AI to fact check the details, calculations, and refining the language so it does sound professional, would be a good place to start.

If you’re creating proposals, writing emails to clients, or managing social media, AI could help with the copywriting side.

As a business owner should you get educated about AI?

I think the short answer, is dependant on your need to understand the topic.

Hopefully, reading this has simplified this giant.

But, it’s like with lifting a weight at the gym, your muscle grows with repetition.

But the fact you’re reading this, means you’re keen to learn more.

I would practice with tools, as they come up and as they’re relevant to your business.

It will take a long while, before it becomes a norm.

Thanks for reading. If you’re ever looking to chat more, or just share ideas, reach out.

Coffee? It’s a date.

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